
Hello, and welcome to my blog. My name is Henrik Warne. I am a software developer in Stockholm, Sweden. I have been programming professionally for more than 30 years, and I still love to code!

Currently, I am working as a developer for Swissblock where I work with . Earlier, I worked with mobile messaging systems at Symsoft. In the past, I have developed software for mobile switching systems for Ericsson (in Montreal, Melbourne and Stockholm), and I have worked at a small start-up, developing an embedded system for VoIP. I have mostly been a developer, but I have also worked a couple of years as a system tester and as a support engineer. I have coded professionally in Python, Java, C++, Ruby, ClojureScript, C, PLEX (proprietary language from Ericsson) and ASA (Ericsson assembler).

I studied Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers, and spent one year at Imperial College in London (studying Communication and Signal Processing).

I like to work with all parts of software development, from specification and design, to implementation, test and support (I even enjoy bug-fixing). I prefer to work in small teams of highly skilled developers – I keep seeing how much they can get done.

I also love to read – about software development (a favorite is Code Complete), personal development (e.g. How to Win Friends and Influence People), and thrillers. I play soccer and innebandy (floorball). I have coached my daughter’s innebandy team, and my son’s soccer and innebandy teams. My taste in music is quite varied, favorites include synth and classic rock. Some things that make me laugh: The Onion, Alan Partridge, The Young Ones, Dave Barry.

You can contact me by emailing me at henrik dot warne at gmail dot com, or by posting a comment. You can also find me on LinkedInTwitter, GitHub and Goodreads.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this blog/website are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

6 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: 如何吸引頂尖 Coder : 老闆,你知道程式設計師要的是什麼嗎? | TechOrange《 創新與應用 |

  2. Pingback: Seanote – [轉貼]如何吸引頂尖 Coder : 老闆,你知道程式設計師要的是什麼嗎?

  3. Pingback: Five Blogs – 27 April 2015 | 5blogs

  4. I read your post about RSI pain on lifehacker. I know about an app which could serve the task of Workpace without making you switch your OS: workrave, which is cross platform (www.workrave.org). I too feel pain in my fingers and palm joints and your blog was really helpful. Thanks!

    • Hi Himanshu,

      Thanks! When I checked Workrave, they didn’t have videos, which I wanted. But for plain breaks I’m sure it is fine. I hope you’re able to get rid of your pain!

  5. Your blog is great but you should clean your keyboard.

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