Tag Archives: recruiting

Recruiting Software Developers – Checking Out a Company

I often get contacted by recruiters asking if I am interested in changing company. Even if I am happy where I am, I briefly check out companies I have not heard of before. One reason is that you never know, maybe the new company is a fantastic opportunity that really is interesting to me. Another reason is that I don’t know how things will change – maybe I will want to change in a year’s time or so. These are the things I check when I am trying to evaluate a company I haven’t come across before.

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Recruiting Software Developers – Initial Contact

I regularly get emails from recruiters trying to get me to change jobs. Unfortunately, many of the emails are not very good, wasting my and the recruiters’ time. So here are 5 tips for recruiters on how to write a good email, as well as some advice for developers. Continue reading

LinkedIn – Good or Bad?

I have read a couple of blog posts about LinkedIn recently. “Is LinkedIn Cheating Employers and Job Seekers Alike?” is criticizing LinkedIn for charging job seekers to appear “at the top of the list” when applying for a job. “LinkedIn Spam (?) and Recruiters: A Guide for Geeks” has some good advice on how to interact with recruiters on LinkedIn. These among others made me ponder the question: Is LinkedIn good or bad? (and Betteridge’s law notwithstanding, the answer is not “No”). Here is my take: Continue reading

What Do Programmers Want?

I got an e-mail last week from three students at Halmstad University doing a three month project on what programmers want in a job, and how companies can attract talented programmers. Here are my answers to their questions, in order of importance. Obviously people have different preferences, so it would be interesting to hear what items you agree and disagree with, how you would rank them, and what you think is missing. Continue reading